M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling equipment and complete solutions provide mining customers with the data needed for their exploration and mining processes to decide where and how to mine to get the most from the deposit.
Representative sampling for further analysis ensures that you avoid:
- Lower product quality than expected
- Not getting paid for the right ore quality
- Product forecasting problems
- Inefficient processes as a result of unexpected material properties
- Excessive use of high-grade ore and better control over mine lifetime
M&W JAWO Sampling has since the 1980s delivered automated sampling solutions to the mining industry for a variety of mining customers such as Glencore, LKAB, AngloGold Ashanti, Severstal, Baffinland, Boliden and Rio Tinto for materials such as e.g. iron ore, copper, copper concentrate, gold, titanium, coal, bauxite, potash and nickel, including the largest automated sampling solution ever installed in Europe for iron ore.