Food and Other Industry


From receiving to load-out, each day your facility moves, weighs, loads, and samples millions of tons of material. The success of your operation relies not only on the quality of the commodity but the dependability of the equipment used to keep it moving. The InterSystems brand of bulk material handling systems offer the speed and reliability you need to satisfy customers and grow profits.

NEUERO Industrietechnik

The company NEUERO has specialised itself in the pneumatic unloading and mechanical loading of bulk products, unloading and loading capacities from 20 t/h to 2.000 t/h are possible. We are also in the position to offer mechanical unloaders of the type Multibelt for unloading granular bulk materials up to 1.200 t/h unloading rate.


The name FILIP stands for high-quality sieve cleaning products, there is hardly any other name so closely connected with sieve cleaners.  The service comprises: expert consultation prior to purchase, if required, custom designed brushes and cleaners to meet your individual requirements, prompt delivery and fast processing of your order, a high degree of experience in export.