SHOCK-BLOWER® is an air blast equipment to remove material build-up during process or storage.
With the SHOCK-BLOWER® system cakings of material are removed efficiently and bulk materials are kept flowing.
SHOCK-BLOWER® air-blast units store highly compressed air (or inert gas) that can be released, if required, in an explosion-like manner.The air storage tanks are made to EURO standards and the valve outlet units are manufactured with a valve
seat made of Cr-Ni-steel.
AGRICHEMA’s SHOCK-BLOWER® persuade through reliable functionality, maximum security and long service life.
SHOCK-BLOWER® units are used for all kinds of bulk materials in “critical areas”. Size and number of the SHOCKBLOWER®
to be used are mainly determined by the bulk material’s characteristics and the local factors.
The SHOCK-BLOWER® system offers customised solutions for all sectors of the bulk material industry.