A new invented technology that processes cereals and seeds using only 3,8% of the energy input required for hammer-milling the same material. Furthermore, throughput for a single unit is much faster than hammer or roller mills at a maximum of 38 tonnes per hour. The Multicracker cracking & grinding system also produces less dust and gives extremely uniform particles of feed.

An added advantage of this innovation is that it is a cold milling – materials leaves the Multicracker at exactly the same temperature it went in. The Multicracker technology is a high speed cutting procedure for material. Not only grain but also pre-mix products, all kind of oilseeds, all kind of nuts, spicy’s, pellets, extracted meal, olives and olive husks, expeller cakes …etc. as well as plastic granulates can be processed.

This globally-patented system is so energy-efficient that comparison with conventional hammermills processing similar batches of seeds and even pre-mix feed – showed power requirements with the Multicracker was 0,13 kW/tonne against 3,44 kW/tonne.

Multicracker – PTW Technologies

